Social Responsability at Provincial Hospital of Bengo
August 18, 2016
On the 11th of June 2016, Australpharma got together with DAR (Distribuição de Amor e Riqueza), which is an association of social wellbeing, and as its name indicates “DAR” is to give, to the mostly needed, at the Provincial Hospital of Bengo, whereupon this meeting was focused mainly to the needs of the maternity section of this institution.
After vising the premises and dialoguing with the staff that so proudly looks after this section, we at Australpharma, have made our contribution trying to attend to the major necessities, such as: Food, Medication, Hygiene goods, disposable diapers and other materials, as well as making our availability to listen, sometimes advise, smile and, especially know at the end of the day that good was done for the needed babies and their mom’s.
This initiative aimed to minimize the necessities lived by this Institution through all the difficulties that hits Angola. Aware that the offer was just a small drop “in the ocean”, Australpharma Team could not ignore this appeal.
Operating in Angola since 2007, Australpharma pretends with this action, to manifest its support in “Promoting Health Access” in Angola, especially with the Public Institutions.
Let us take this opportunity, to say a big thank you to everyone involved in this kind of action,
Yours cordially,
Social Responsibility Team from Australpharma