January 31,
2018 5177 5177
In the context of the Christmas Season, AUSTRALPHARMA donated last Saturday, December 9th, 2017, technical materials for support elderly people to the BEIRAL Nursing Home, located in the Cazenga Municipality in Luanda province.
July 3,
2017 6220 6220
Com a chegada do mês de Junho, o mês em que se comemora o dia Mundial da Criança, o mês da Criança Africana, a AUSTRALPHARMA, através da sua Equipa de Responsabilidade Social, criou e desenvolveu o projecto TUSSANGUENO. Um projeto de responsabilidade social que se propôs a levar amor e carinho a quem mais precisa. As crianças!
June 16,
2017 7115 7115
Australpharma has a great pleasure to announce the introduction of the complete product line from Bambo® Nature in Angola.
November 14,
2016 7369 7369
No âmbito do Dia Mundial da Diabetes a Australpharma irá promover algumas ações durante a semana com a empresa parceira Tecnosaúde, junto dos clientes. Estas ações decorrerão em diversos pontos da capital Angolana.
August 18,
2016 7527 7527
On the 11th of June 2016, Australpharma got together with DAR (Distribuição de Amor e Riqueza), which is an association of social wellbeing, and as its name indicates “DAR” is to give, to the mostly needed, at the Provincial Hospital of Bengo, whereupon this meeting was focused mainly to the needs of the maternity section of this institution.
August 8,
2016 8506 8506
The Angolan Society of Diabetology ( " SAD " ) organized the 1st Congress of Diabetes in Angola that took place on Memorial Dr. Agostinho Neto in Luanda on 7 , 8 and 9 July under the motto " Take action today to improve tomorrow ".
December 15,
2015 7871 7871
Australpharma framed within good standards of customer care, billing and shipping orders, implemented a label model, which aims mainly to control orders and to satisfied customers who will be have orders delivered by vehicles of Australpharma .
December 15,
2015 7741 7741
During June 2015, Australpharma framed within its social responsibility objectives, delivered in the Pediatric Hospital Dr. David Bernardino in Luanda, various products from the Healthcare area.